ACM Digital Library
Consists of article and bibliographic records in the field of Computer and Information Technology for journals and transaction (40 titles), conference proceeding (>300 titles), magazines (9 titles) and Special Interest Group (37).
American Chemical Society (ACS)
consists of research journals in chemical and related science with 42 complete subscribed journals title from year 1879 and above.
American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE)
Contains subscription access to 32 titles of journals and conference proceedings in civil engineering subject from 1997 and above.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Contains subscription access to 32 titles of journals in mechanical engineering from year 1990 and above.
EBSCOHOST Ebscohost contains 3 different databases;
Academic Source Premier which provides expanded indexing & abstract and PDF backfiles for more than 100 top scholarly academic journals, dating back as far as 1965 or the first issue published.
Business Source Complete which also provides scholarly business journals back as far as 1886.
Regional Business News database provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications, incorporates coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.(Subscribed by MOHE)
Emerald Management 175
A collection of 216 business and management journals spanning many subject areas. Full text coverage from 1994 onwards.
EndNote is an online search tool. Search online bibliographic resources and retrieve references directly into your EndNote library. You can also export references to EndNote from your favorite online resource.It can Search, organize and share research. And automatically format bibliographies with the only patented bibliography technology.
Installing EndNote
Please select the installer for your operating system;
For Windows :
For Mac :
Note : For Software Product Key, please contact Library Reference Librarian;
1. Pn. Nor Ashikin Ahmad - 09 549 3148
2. Cik Nabilah Mustapa - 09 424 5638
IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) IEEE/IEL Electronic Library is a digital library providing full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics. IEL includes journals, transactions, letter and magazines from 1988 with select content back to 1913. IEEE conference proceeding from 1988 with select content back to 1953.
Malaysia Standards Online
Malaysian Standard Online :(UserID:umppdf1)
Online Malaysian Standards Catalogue of over 6,000 Malaysian Standards available
for purchase, searchable by MS Numbers, title and keywords. Let you know the
latest MS numbers published and the specific MS details.
Doctoral dissertation and master theses for various disciplines. With more than
2.4 million entries, the proquest dissertation theses database is the most
comprehensive collection of dissertation and theses in the world. (Subscribed
by MOHE)
Sciverse Hub features a more powerful search across an expanded content set with fine-tuned de-duplication. Greater customization through My Library and Applications offers all users the ability to amplify their results.
Science Direct
ScienceDirect is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal
articles from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals.
Science Direct Backfiles

Listing of Engineering and Technology subject access full text from 1994 and
Scopus is the
largest abstract and citation database. It covers Over 16,000 peer-reviewed
journals from more than 5,000 publishers,more than 1200 Open Access journals,350
conference proceedings,600 trade publications and 350 book series. Scopus is the
broadest coverage available of Scientific,Technical, Medical and Social Sciences
literature. (Subscribed by MOHE)
SIRIM Technical Library
Login info below can be use to access SIRIM OPAC and SIRIM Ezproxy System
To Login: (username:SM3999 Password:sirimcorp)
List of subscribed and self-developed databases by SIRIM Berhad (please login SIRIM Ezproxy System) ;
Sirim E-Article :(username:2000 Password: 2000)
Key to Metal (Steel) (UserID:AMSIMOH ; Password: RT175
The British Library (BLPC) :(username:SIRIM1 Password: JAMAYAH)
PnMB LawNet :(username:sirim Password: sirim97fb)
E-Book ( UDL pro, Universe Engineering, Knovel )
Newspaper Online
The Star E-newspaper
NSTP Emedia
Utusan Online
Springer Link
Access to
total 2,769 journals in Chemical Sciences, Computer Science, Earth and
Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences, Geosciences, Engineering, Law,
Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Economics, Medicine, Biomedical and
Life Science, Behavioral Science, Humanities, Chemistry and Natural
Taylor & Francis

User can
access 164 journal titles for Chemistry, Engineering, Computing & Technology
subject collection from 1997 to current year.
Turn It In
Only for Lecturer
Originality checker, tool to prevent plagiarism and engage student in writing.
Lecturer please contact admin for Account ID and Joint Password. Student please
refers to your lecturer.
Web of Science consist of;
Web of Science -
The Web of Science (formerly Web of Knowledge) is today's premier research platform, helping you quickly
find, analyze, and share information in the sciences, social sciences, arts,
and humanities.
Citation Reports - offers a systematic,
objective means to evaluate the world's leading journals, with
quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data. By
compiling articles' cited references,
JCR Web helps
to measure research influence and impact at the journal and category
levels, and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals.
Available in Science and Social Science edition.
World Scientific (WSPC)
 Subscription to 28 journal titles in Engineering subject from 2009
to current year.
The Library Quarterly
Presenting original research from international scholars in the social
sciences, humanities, education, biological and medical sciences, and
physical sciences.
Circuit cellar

(Username: EDS@MYJARING.NET, Password: ccaccess)
ELT Journal ELT Journal is a quarterly publication for all those
involved in the field of teaching English as a second or foreign
language. The Journal links the everyday concerns of practitioners with
insights gained from related academic disciplines such as applied
linguistics, education, psychology, and sociology.
Everyday Practical Electronic (EPE)
1)Login at the top of the screen (username:, password: gx342qzg)
2)Click My Magazines, and then click the cover of the issue.
Thomas Telford
The ICE is brought to you by Thomas Telford the
knowledge business of the Institution of Civil Engineers.It consists of 8 proceeding and 3 journal/magazine. The list as follows;
Proceedings ;
Proceeding of ICE, Civil Engineering
Proceeding of ICE, Geotechnical Engineering
Proceeding of ICE, Ground Improvement
Proceeding of ICE, Structural and Buildings
Journals / Magazines ;
Advances in Cement Research
Magazine of Concrete Research
Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene
International Journal Of Public Sector Performance Management
SAE International e-Journals
Automotive Engineering International

(User ID: 6123312747, Password: UMALAYPAHANG)
List Of SAGE Journal Online
Asian Journal of Management Cases
RELC Journal
Journal of Business & Technical Communication
Science, Technology, & Human Values
International Journal of Food Science & Technology
Accessible online from vol.42 2007 - vol.46 2011. The Library also provide the printed version of this journal.
Flavour and Fragrance Journal
Accessible online from vol.22 2007- vol.26 2011. The Library also provide the printed version of this journal.
Structural Concrete Structural Concrete, the official journal of the fib, provides conceptual and procedural guidance in the field of concre te construction, and features peer-reviewed papers, keynote research and industry news covering all aspects of the design, construction, performance in service and demolition of concrete structures.
Wireless Communication & Mobile Computing
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing provides the R&D communities working in academia and the telecommunications and networking industries with a forum for sharing research and ideas.
Journal titles as follow;
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management
Journal of Advanced Dielectrics (JAD)
International journal of Information Technology and Decision making
New Mathematics and Natural Computation
International Journal of Innovation & Technology Management
E-Brary Access to Academic complete, e-book collection spanning all academic subject area.
ENGnetBASE This ebook collection has grown to include over 1670 cutting edge and best selling references.With access to to the latest
handbook in civil, mechanical and electrical engineering.
Ebscho ebook
collection provides access to your library’s ebook with 2,042 titles.
(Previously known as Netlibrary)
iG Publishing
IG e-book collection collection consists of multidisciplinary subjects ranging from Humanities & Social Science, Medical & Health Science, Business & Management, Computing, Engineering, Law to University Presses
Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL)
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. It consists of 31 multidisciplinary titles.
UMP Library has subcribed 72 titles under Wiley InterScience (
articles and Online Books and major reference works as listed.